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I Was Feeling Lost And Struggling With My Confidence Until I Found My Voice

Writer: EmilyEmily
Woman speaking with confidence

In my other blog, I mentioned that public speaking and self-confidence was intricately tied together. As I sit down to write this, looking back on how I was battling the years of self doubt and insecurities was not easy. How did I get to a place where my thoughts filled me in crippling anxiety? How did I let self-doubt and comparisons make me lose my unique self and drown out my voice? The thoughts that have been with me for so long racing through my mind, I've now learnt how to control them. As you read this, you'll join me on a journey where I discovered who I am, how I took my confidence from zero to new limits and how I can celebrate my voice.

Who Am I?

Finding the authentic me was like stumbling upon a long-lost treasure buried deep within me. It took years of trying to understand my identity being both British and Chinese. Having been born and raised in the West Midlands, there was always a part of me where I felt like I had to discard one version of myself. Either choose to be British or choose to be Chinese, I never felt like I could be both. At school, I was British, and even at home I was more British than Chinese. As a family we cooked both British and Chinese food, we spoke English nearly every day as my younger brother couldn't understand Cantonese at all and the amount of times I celebrated Chinese New Year is a dismal amount of times. But my upbringing was more Chinese. So to fit into society, I tried to get rid of the Chinese part of me. I didn't really know what it was for or how to incorporate it into my daily life, like it was some accessory that I chose to wear.

There was a chunk of my life where I had a complete identity crisis and I didn't know how to deal with it.

I was being told to do this and I should feel like this and my life is going to be like this. I realised I had no voice, I had no gut feeling or intuition of what I wanted and was following what other people told me was right. Always listen to your elders was one of the values of Confucianism (an ancient Chinese philosophy) where I had been taught from birth.

Overcoming Self-Doubt and Comparison

Being Chinese, I was always in competition with other people. It's a thing Asian families have, by comparing you to someone who is better than you so you can strive to be that level, which I think is a very unhealthy way of making you become a better person. So I always had trouble with self-doubt, not feeling like I'm good enough, this mountain that I had to tackle everytime I made a decision or said something out loud. I wasn't a quiet child, but I definitely was ingrained the phrase "think before you speak" and throughout my education, I spoke less and less fearing that what I did say was wrong and wrong means failure and failure means my life has ended. I went to a shell of myself not knowing how to get out of it or what to do to make it better.

One Decision Changed My Life

And this was when I found acting. Taking drama as a GCSE was one of those pinacle moments in my life where without it, I'm not sure where I am today. Because being a lost teenager with no voice, I wanted to become a different version of myself and acting gave me that escape. I could become someone else without everyone else's expectations. It was something I could connect with, looking into how someone thinks the way they do, say the lines they say. Through acting, I started to find my voice. I knew acting wasn't the real answer as I was always putting on the mask and taking it off, so I had to find a way to really understand who I was and learn how to express myself. This was when I enrolled on my Masters called Professional Voice Practice. Since I wanted to become an actor, this was the best way to find out about how can an actor use their voice to portray a character authentically. Little did I know, that this course was finding out how I could use my own voice and not just be an actor.

Stepping Out Of My Comfort Zone

My Masters was really the core of what I do today. It gave me the confidence to do things I never expected I could do. Every challenge I faced was all down to my level of confidence and the belief I had within myself. I remember there was a teaching module where we had to teach postgraduate acting students how to use their breath to be able to say the long lines of Shakespeare. In my head, I couldn't teach people older than me, I should be listening to them instead and now suddenly I'm somehow the expert. I had great knowledge of all the techniques but saying it without any conviction which did not show my credibility. In my dissertation I had to find primary resources, actually go out and speak to people in person and interview them, something that I never had to do before filled me with dread. In that one year, I had learnt more skills by doing and practising than always sticking to what I had known. Before my masters, I had never sang before, not even in the shower, and I had to sing for an exam which I barely passed. By doing these things that I didn't feel confident in actually surprised me and made me a better person. And it's never going to be perfect, it's never going to be easy, but has it shaped me as one of those defining moments in my life? Yes it has! And that's one thing I won't regret.

Celebrating My Voice

We have to be unapologetic for the choices we make and we sometimes do have to be brave. Taking risks is what makes us become a better person, not the perfect person we had perceived in our heads. In a world of noise, we have to embrace our individuality, all of our quirks, stories, and perspectives are the colours that make us unique. Finding my confidence made me able to express what I wanted through my voice and that experience was not just a one-time revelation but a continuous evolution of me. It's understanding who I was, accepting that and building on all those experiences. Being able to use my voice has made me connect with more people and has allowed me to become my genuine self no matter who I am talking to.

I plan to talk about this topic more in a video. Subscribe to my Youtube channel where I will be posting a more in depth video. But if you liked my blog you just read and you want to find more about me, you can visit or if you want me as a guest speaker I'll happily talk at your event, just email me


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